Dear CISD Community,
For many weeks now, CISD has strategically considered various options on how we would begin the school year in an ever-changing environment of our county, state, and nation as it relates to the spread of COVID-19. In accordance with Judge Whitley’s order which was issued today, CISD will adhere to such order, which means our district will begin the school year delivering instruction remotely beginning on August 12, 2020, through September 27, 2020. In addition, more information will be sent to address such topics such as device pick-up, login information, and much more.
To ask students and staff to return simultaneously in a few weeks is certainly not in the best interest of all stakeholders involved. The order issued today is a responsible way for our students to begin their learning for the 2020-2021 school year, and we are thankful for our local health officials, and Judge Whitley for taking this into consideration.
Prior to September 28, 2020, information about CISD’s Re-entry Guidelines will be made available to our entire CISD Family which will address how the district will implement safety measures which keeps the health of our students and staff a top priority. Although the beginning of school may not be the one we desired when compared to previous years, we are committed to providing your child the best educational experience regardless of our circumstance which we face as a nation.
Please be sure to check our website, as well as CISD’s official social media platforms for the latest information as it relates to updates of the district’s plans and preparations for the upcoming school year. Thank you for your patience and support as we navigate through these unprecedented times we face in education. Rest assured, we will continue to work together with the CISD Community to help our students receive an educational experience in Castleberry that is second to none.
John Ramos, Ph.D.
Castleberry I.S.D.