Communication Methods

Castleberry ISD Communication Methods

a finger dialing a mobile phone

Castleberry ISD uses a mass communication platform called ParentSquare. This unified communication platform is designed to engage every family with school communication and communication-based services—from the district office, campus principal, and teacher—all in one place. The platform offers a whole host of tools that allow the district, school administrators, and teachers to communicate more effectively with families.

For more information and instructions on how to update your information visit the Contact Preferences webpage.

ParentSquare Mobile App

The ParentSquare Mobile App provides parents with additional tools to enhance communication between schools and families. Downloading the app allows parents to:

  • The ability to select when and how to receive calls, emails, text messages, and/or app notifications—choose to receive broadcasts instantly or in a daily digest.

  • See what events are happening on campus months in advance by viewing the campus calendar—or even learn how to subscribe to the campus calendar so events automatically display on a smartphone calendar.

  • RSVP for upcoming school activities and sign permission slips electronically!

ParentSquare App Icon 

 Apple App Store Icon  Google Play Icon

District and Campus Social Media

Castleberry ISD maintains an official district affiliated presence on the following social networks: Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 

Each campus maintains an official campus affliated presence on the following social networks: Facebook, X, Instagram, and YouTube.

Click here for a complete list of official district and campus social pages.

Skyward Family Access
hands resting on a computer keyboard

Castleberry ISD uses Skyward Family Access for online registration and to allow students and parents or legal guardians of CISD students to track attendance and grades. More information on Family Access and to view video tutorials, visit the Family Access Page.

Parents are expected to maintain the contact information listed on their child's Skyward Family Access profile to ensure communication from teachers, the campus, and the district are delivered.  

Skyward Mobile App

Use the Skyward Mobile Access App to check your child's grades and monitor your child's attendance when on the go. Unfortunately, users cannot update their contact information on the app. User information changes can only be done by logging into Skyward Family Access on the web or by calling your child's campus.

Download on the Apple App Store Get it on Google Play store

My School Bucks
stylized text- My School Bucks

Although all Castleberry ISD students receive free standard meals, parents may choose to add funds to their child's lunch account using the My School Bucks website. Additional funds will allow your child to purchase a la carte items from the school cafeteria. Parents may also view their child's meal spending history. In addition, My School Bucks is a great way to pay any outstanding fees for technology damage online using a debit or credit card. 

To create an account and get started, visit My School Bucks