Medication Policy
Castleberry ISD students requiring prescription medication during the school day are expected to follow the fuidelines below.
Submission of Medication Permit Form
Each year, a student who requires medication dosage during school hours must submit a Medication Permit Form. This form must be completed by both the student’s physician and parent and will be kept on file in the school nurse’s office.
Medication Storage
Students are not allowed to carry any medication on their person or in their backpacks.
All prescription medications must be stored in the nurse’s office.
It is essential that these medications are brought to campus in the original, pharmacy labeled containers, and clearly display the student’s name, the physician’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, and the prescription date.
Non-Prescription Medication
Non-prescription medications
will not be administered by school personnel.
Authorization for Changes in Medication
Any changes in the dosage or type of medication being given must be authorized in writing by a physician.
Administering Medication
Only approved school personnel are responsible for administering medication to students, strictly adhering to the prescribed instructions.
Additional questions or concerns may be directed to the school nurse or campus administration.