Dress and Grooming (All Grade Levels)
The district’s dress code teaches grooming and hygiene, prevents disruption, minimizes safety hazards, and maintains a positive learning climate. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the following: Students shall be clean, well dressed, groomed and neatly dressed.
Apparel designed for sleepwear will not be permitted (e.g. pajama pants, house shoes, etc.). Bizarre dress or clothing that makes even casual reference to drugs or drug paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other electronic vaporizing devices, gangs, weapons, violence, sexual innuendoes, satanic or hostile implications, profanity, organizations or groups (whether real or fictitious) which promote any of the above, or other statement, reference, or depiction deemed inappropriate by the administration or misrepresenting police or other lawful organizations shall not be worn.
Any dress determined by the principal to be related to gangs will not be permitted on school property, including but not limited to colors, emblems, or style of clothing. Sleeves may not be worn so as to cover the student’s hands.