The safety of students and employees are of the utmost importance to Castleberry ISD. In the event of inclement weather or an emergency situation, district administration will follow the district's established communication plan to systematically ensure all stakeholders are notified and informed of any changes to the district's regular operations.
School Delays and Cancellations
In the event of a delay or cancellation due to inclement weather, a notice will be sent to all families and employees via ParentSquare as a text message, email, and automated phone call. ParentSquare is the primary communication platform used by Castleberry ISD to notify parents and distribute important information concerning inclement weather or other emergencies.
Parents are responsible for providing current contact information in Skyward Family Access to ensure they are able to receive messages from Castleberry ISD.
Parents, if you have not received messages from the district and/or your child’s campus within the past two weeks, please visit the Contact Preferences page to learn how to update your contact information in Skyward Family Access.
In some situations, district administration will notify Castleberry ISD employees before families and/or the general public.
Alternate Modes of Communication
In situations where district leadership deems it appropriate to share the information with the general public, the following channels may be utilized: