The safety of you and your child is of the utmost importance to Castleberry ISD. In the event of inclement weather or an emergency situation, district administration will follow the district's established communication plan to systematically ensure all stakeholders are notified.
In the event of inclement weather, notice is sent to all employees and parents at the same time.
Some situations warrant Castleberry ISD employees be notified before parents and the general public. In these instances, once all employees are informed, the district communications team who will notify parents/guardians and the general public via several platforms in the following order.
District communications will send a text message and email to all stakeholders in ParentSquare, Castleberry ISD's mass messaging platform. ParentSquare is the primary platform used to notify parents and distribute information.
Parents are responsible for ensuring their contact information is accurate in Skyward Family Access to ensure they are able to receive messages from Castleberry ISD.
To learn how to update the contact information in Skyward Family Access, visit the Contact Preferences page.
Once parents are notified in ParentSquare, the communications team may post the information on Castleberry ISD's official district and campus social media accounts.
- Note: Posting information on social platforms will be at the discretion of the superintendent and communications team, depending on the situation at hand.
- Be sure to follow the social accounts that are managed by the district/campus, and not one that falsely claims to be associated.
3. Lastly, the home page of the district's website will be updated with a web banner communicating the information and/or a website pop up alert.
Note: Simultaneously while all of the above is happening, the following news media outlets will be contacted.