Castleberry ISD Achieves Significant Gains in 2023-24 Accountability Ratings with an Overall District Rating of B

District Accountability Rating
Castleberry ISD internally calculated A-F Accountability Ratings for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years and recently received verification from the Texas Education Agency.
The District saw significant improvement, increasing its rating from 76 in the 2022-23 school year to an overall rating of 82 in 2023-24.
District Highlights
In 5th Grade RLA, the state saw a 2% decrease in the "Meets" grade level, while CISD improved by 3%.
In 5th Grade Math, the state experienced a 1% decrease at the "Meets" grade level, but CISD increased by 11%.
In 5th Grade Science, the state dropped by 8% at the "Meets" grade level, whereas CISD went up by 1%.
In 7th Grade RLA, the state remained steady at the "Meets" grade level, while CISD grew by 7%.
In 8th Grade Math, the state decreased by 5% at the "Meets" grade level, while CISD improved by 7%.
In 8th Grade Algebra I, the state maintained performance at the "Meets" grade level, while CISD students increased 16% to 88% overall, 43 percentage points higher than the state.
In 8th Grade Biology, the state increased 1% at the "Meets" grade level, while CISD students increased 7% to 82% overall, 24 percentage points higher than the state.
All campuses met the Interim TELPAS Target.
4 out of 5 campuses that are rated for TELPAS increased their scores or maintained the Long Term Target Score.
Campus Accountability Ratings
The chart below shows the campus projections calculated internally, and verified by the Texas Education Agency.
AV Cato |
76(C) |
85(B) |
+9 |
Castleberry EL |
75(C) |
79(C) |
+4 |
Joy James Academy |
79(C) |
78(C) |
-1 |
Irma Marsh |
79(C) |
81(B) |
+2 |
Castleberry HS |
75(C) |
84(B) |
+9 |
Reach HS |
93(A) |
96(A) |
+3 |
District |
76(C) |
82(B) |
+6 |
Campus Highlights
A.V. Cato Elementary’s overall accountability rating increased from 76 to 85.
Castleberry Elementary’s overall accountability rating increased from 75 to 79.
Joy James Academy of Leadership increased their achievement rating from 70 to 71.
Irma Marsh Middle School’s overall accountability rating increased from 78 to 81.
Castleberry High School’s overall accountability rating increased from 75 to 84.
Student Achievement increased 5 points.
Relative Performance increased from 77 to 85.
Domain 3 increased from 70 to 82.
College Ready Graduates increased from 75% to 95%.
Moving Forward in 2024-25
Castleberry ISD has identified key focus areas to position the district for a higher accountability rating in the 2024-25 year.
Computational Fluency
During the 2023-24 school year, Castleberry ISD made a deliberate effort to accelerate student learning. In the spring, 79 seventh-grade students took the eighth-grade STAAR exam, with 89% achieving a "Meets" or higher score. However, on-level seventh-grade students did not meet the district’s performance expectations. Moving into the 2024-25 school year, the district will continue to emphasize building computational fluency among on-grade-level seventh-graders, with expectations of growth reflected in the 2025 accountability ratings.
Automated Scoring Engine
Although the state has previously utilized a combination of human graders and Automated Scoring Engine (ASE) to score assessments, Texas relied solely on the Automated Scoring Engine to evaluate the written portions of the spring 2024 STAAR. In response to the state's new way of scoring, Castleberry ISD has implemented Writable, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Literacy program for grades 3-12 that helps students build literacy skills. Most notably, the program uses AI to quickly score and provide feedback for written responses, rather than relying on the classroom teacher. The implementation of Writable, along with embedding specific strategies into the curriculum—such as teaching students how to break down a rubric and include all required components in their responses—aims to better prepare students for the spring 2025 STAAR. Since machine learning allows no flexibility for interpretation or bias, unlike human graders, these strategies are essential for student success.
ACE Out of School Time Program
Castleberry ISD is committed to enhancing student success by offering a range of opportunities for students to learn essential skills both during the summer and after school throughout the year. For the second year in a row, all Castleberry ISD students can accelerate their learning and participate in fun and engaging clubs each weekday until 6 PM through the ACE Out of School Time Program. Click here to learn more about the program and register your child.
Student Individual STAAR Performance
Parents are encouraged to login to TEA's Family Portal to review their child's 2023-2024 STAAR results. The Family Portal is a valuable resource that includes detailed information for each test question, identifying the child's strengths as well as areas they may need additional support.
Follow these steps to access the Family Portal:
Login to Skyward Family Access.
Click on the icon labeled "District Links" in the upper right corner.
In the dropdown menu that opens, click "State Assessment (child’s name)."