Pedro V. Represents District at State Science and Engineering Fair
Each winter, Castleberry ISD encourages students in 6th – 12th grades to compete in regional science and engineering fairs across Texas in hopes of securing a coveted spot at the state fair.
For the first time in over six years, one of Irma Marsh Middle School’s students, Pedro V., represented Castleberry ISD at the state level competition. Pedro’s project titled “Using Artificial Intelligence to Alert Blind Pedestrians of Hazards” won overall campus winner at the district level competition, placed first at the regional level competition, and advanced to round two (2) of three (3) at the state competition. The state competition was held on March 27, 2022 at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. His project also won a special award at the regional level from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Special Award (IEEE).
The Texas Science and Engineering Fair (TXSEF) includes 20+ entry categories spanning across engineering, biological sciences, and physical sciences. Winning high school entries advance to compete in the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). TXSEF winners in the high school divisions also earn the opportunity to attend the Governor’s Science and Technology Champions Academy and advance to the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair. Winning middle school entries advance to compete in the Broadcom Masters Competition.
Congratulations to Pedro on his accomplishment!
For information about Castleberry ISD’s district level competition award recipients, read "District Science Fair Winners Announced."