Visual Art Students from Castleberry High School recently competed in the Visual Art Scholastic Event held at Azle High School and captured a staggering number of students advancing to Area with a total of 58 students earning a perfect score of 4. Joshua H scored high enough to advance to the coveted State VASE Competition held in San Marcos on April 27. Ms. Rachel Cecil and Ms. Jazmin Gonzalez teach all of these talented students.
Edwin F, was also recently honored to have his artwork displayed at the Bullock Texas State History Museum for the Texas Art Education Association’s Youth Art Month Exhibition. His art will be on display at the Bullock Museum throughout the month of March. Edwin will be honored at the annual Youth Art Month Celebration, Award, and Reception in the museum’s Third Floor Rotunda on Sunday, March 10th! Edwin F is an AP Art Student of Ms. Rachel Cecil.
CISD Art students earned the most medals in the recent Lions Club District 2E2 Convention Red Ribbon and Peace Poster Contests! In the Red Ribbon Contest, Leonel R won 1st Place and McKenzy M won 2nd Place in the elementary division. Amelia K won 3rd place in the Middle School Division. Melina E won 1st Place in the High School Division. In the Peace Poster Contest, Maria H- won 3rd Place! These students attended a special reception hosted by the River Oaks Lions Club where several District 2E2 Lions presented them with their awards. All three elementary students are taught by Ms. Isabel Rocha. Amelia K is taught by Mr. Greg Robinson at IMMS. Melina E is taught by Ms. Jazmin Gonzalez at CHS.
We are so proud of our visual art students and their wonderful teachers!!!