Statutory Compliance Courses

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Statutory Compliance Courses

These required courses are delivered online through various agencies. Staff will receive CPE credit once a certificate of completion is uploaded and credit is requested in Eduphoria

Gifted and Talented (G/T) 30-hour CORE Basic Training

Target Audience: Required for all K-5 teachers, and 6-12 teachers with one or more advanced level courses. Click for G/T Compliance requirements.

Facilitator: Region XI Education Service Center (ESC11)

Due Date: August 9, 2024

Available in-person and asynchronous online

Includes five courses:

  • Nature and needs

  • Identification and assessment

  • Models of differentiation

  • Creativity and critical thinking

  • Engagement with depth and complexity

These courses are facilitated by an outside source. To receive credit, educators need to upload certificates or a transcript to Eduphoria. See Requesting Credit Hours for step-by-step instructions.


Science Safety Training

Target Audience: Required for all K-12 science teachers

Online Course: Offered through TEALearn

Due Date: September 30, 2024

Course Description: This self-paced course is a foundational training module for science safety. This course allows teachers to review safety policies, procedures, and responsibilities pertaining to instructional settings.

These courses are facilitated by an outside source. To received credit, educators need to upload certificates or a transcript to Eduphoria. See Requesting Credit Hours for step-by-step instructions.


UIL Coaches Certification Program

Target Audience: All athletic coaches and sponsors, any marching band director

Facilitator: UIL

Course Description: Coaches Certification Program (CCP), including Constitution & Contest Rules, Ethics, UIL Steroid Education, Safety Training (state law), Concussion Training (state law), Sport Specific Training – each sport has a separate module, Football Coaches ONLY – Best Practices in Tackling certification, and First Year Coaches ONLY - Fundamentals of Coaching in Texas.  If you have an existing account and are changing jobs / schools, please do not create a new account. Utilize the ‘transfer account’ process that is available in the Portal once you log in to your existing account.


HB 3 Reading Academies 

Target Audience: All K-3 teachers, K-3 SpEd teachers, K-3 dual language teachers, elementary principals and assistant principals, instructional leaders

Date, Time, Location: Contact RLA department for specific enrollment information

Course Description: This required, year-long teacher literacy achievement academy is based on the science of teaching reading. Throughout the year, you will attend monthy sessions at ESC11 and complete modules.


Annual Statutory Compliance Courses

The 2024-2025 Statutory Compliance link is NOW available!* Please complete ALL COURSES and submit a single transcript (NOT individual certificates) to request credit.

Target Audience: Required for all Castleberry ISD employees.

Facilitator: Region XI Education Service Center (ESC11) using Canvas

Due Date:  September 30, 2024

Course Description: This self-paced, online bundle includes:

  • ADA compliance for online content

  • Anaphylaxis and epinephrine use

  • Bloodborne pathogens

  • Bullying prevention

  • Child abuse, trafficking, and maltreatment

  • Copyright

  • Diabetes overview

  • FERPA: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act

  • Mental health overview

  • Section 504 overview

  • Seizures overview

  • Sexual harassment

  • Suicide prevention

  • Teen dating violence and healthy relationships

  • Texas Educator's Code of Ethics

  • Title IX overview*

*Please note that one course, Title IX, will not be available until after updates to the course have been made to reflect changes taking place August 1, 2024.

Cybersecurity is also required of certain employees. Employees required to have the training will receive an email invitation to a Canvas course.

These online courses are facilitated by an outside source. To receive credit, employees must upload a transcript to Eduphoria. See Requesting Credit Hours for directions. Please complete all 16 courses before requesting credit.


CTE Professional Development Requirements


Target Audience: Required for CTE teachers assigned to math courses, CTE teachers assigned to science courses, CTE teachers assigned to career preparation or practicum courses

Facilitator: TEALearn

These courses are facilitated by an outside source. To received credit, educators need to upload certificates or a transcript to Eduphoria. See Requesting Credit Hours for step-by-step instructions.


ESC 11 Training Recommendations

Additional training for all Castleberry ISD staff available with administrator approval through the Region XI Educational Service Center (ESC11).  Click above for courses recommended by Castleberry ISD Coordinators.