Castleberry ISD welcomes all students back for the 2022-2023 school year on Wednesday, August 10! In preparation for the first day, parents are encouraged to be aware of the traffic flow for the area surrounding each campus.
During this time, please be extra cautious in traffic. Be aware that school traffic zones will be in effect during morning drop off and afternoon dismissal. Students will be walking to and from school, so be cautious while driving and be aware of pedestrians.
Castleberry ISD school buses will be back on the road, and may impact your daily travel. When approaching a school zone or school bus on the road, be prepared to stop for bus and pedestrian traffic.
A.V. Cato Elementary School
All students will be dropped off at the front parking lot between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM. Cars may enter the front parking lot off Barbara Street and line up in one of the three drop off lanes.

Castleberry Elementary School
All students will be dropped off at the front parking lot between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM. Cars will travel down Roberts Cut Off Road to Tulane Avenue, a one-way street with traffic heading NORTH and enter the parking lot from Tulane Avenue.
Joy James Academy of Leadership
All students will be dropped off in front and behind the campus in the parking lot off Comanche between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM. Buchanan and Comanche Streets are one way during arrival and dismissal times.
Irma Marsh Middle School
Vehicles have two entrances to access Irma Marsh Middle School: Doyle Drive and Marsh Street (faculty parking lot).
For morning drop offs at Irma Marsh Middle School, cars are encouraged to take Barbara Road or Stevens Street to turn right and travel south onto Churchill Road to enter at Doyle Drive. After turning left on Haag Drive, there will be two one-way lanes of traffic. Cars will be directed to pull forward to the orange cones, where students are able to safely exit vehicles.
Haag Drive, which runs parallel to Churchill Road and is directly in front of Irma Marsh Middle School has two one-way lanes traveling south. Haag Drive dead ends into Shear Drive, and cars in both lanes must turn right, traveling west on Shear Drive.
Additionally, when traveling south on Churchill Road, vehicles may enter the staff parking lot to park and/or drop off students following the one way flow of traffic through the parking lot. Vehicles choosing to drop off in the parking lot must turn left at Shear Drive and right on Churchill traveling south to Blackstone Drive.
Castleberry High School
Castleberry High School parents are able to drop students off in the front parking lot, and exit at both exits of the parking lot. Cars exiting at the last exit, closest to the Competition Gym, can turn right or left to exit the parking low.
In addition, cars are able to travel through the parking lot on the east side of W.O. Barnes stadium, making a left on Melbourne to continue down the hill to Churchill Road or turning right into the front parking lot of CHS.