Castleberry ISD is excited to share the district is transitioning to a different communication platform called ParentSquare. This unified communication platform is designed to engage every family with school communication and communication-based services—from the district office, campus principal, and teacher—all in one place. The platform offers a whole host of tools that allow the district, school administrators, and teachers to communicate more effectively with families. Learn more about ParentSquare by watching the Getting Started video below.
Last December, parents provided feedback about communication on the Parent Communication Survey. This led district administration to develop a two-year plan to strengthen parent satisfaction with communication, and ensure all parents receive all communication easily accessible from one platform; whether it be from the district, campus, or teacher, when it relates to their child. The district is committed to providing all parents access to one platform that allows for secure two-way communication between teachers and parents.
An activation email and text message will be sent to all Castleberry ISD parents during the first week of August. Parents will also receive information from their child’s teacher at Meet the Teacher on Saturday, August 5. Castleberry ISD encourages parents to activate their account and create a password on ParentSquare in order to access additional features including:
The ability to select when and how to receive calls, emails, text messages, and/or app notifications—choose to receive broadcasts instantly or in a daily digest.
See what events are happening on campus months in advance by viewing the campus calendar—or even learn how to subscribe to the campus calendar so events automatically display on a smartphone calendar.
RSVP for upcoming school activities and sign permission slips electronically!
The entire transition will take place over the next two years. Once complete, ParentSquare will be the only platform used for communication within the district.
Year 1 (2023-2024):
Use ParentSquare for all campus and district level communication.
Pilot classroom (teacher) communication at three campuses in the district: Castleberry Elementary, Irma Marsh Middle School, and Joy James Academy of Leadership.
A District Communication Survey will be sent to all parents mid-year to assess parent satisfaction with the platform.
Year 2 (2024-2025):
Continue using ParentSquare for all campus and district level communication, making modifications as expressed on 2023 communications survey.
Continue using ParentSquare at Castleberry Elementary, Irma Marsh Middle School and Joy James Academy of Leadership.
Add classroom (teacher) communication components at the remaining campuses: A.V. Cato Elementary, Castleberry High School, and Alternative Learning Center.
Castleberry ISD will conduct another parent communication survey during the 2023-2024 school year. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in this survey because the feedback will be used to determine if any modifications need to be made to the original two-year plan.
Provided the survey results indicate a majority of parents are satisfied with the functionality, efficiency, and added affordances of ParentSquare, the district will officially adopt ParentSquare as the exclusive method of communication at all levels within the district.
This means with the start of the 2024-2025 school year, parents will only need access to one platform and can rest peacefully knowing they will receive all the information they need for their child to be successful in school.
Castleberry ISD looks forward to providing parents and guardians with enhanced communication and stronger partnerships as a result of this transition. Parents with questions or concerns regarding ParentSquare should reach out to their child’s campus.
ParentSquare Overview for Parents from ParentSquare on Vimeo.
ParentSquare Overview for Parents (Spanish)
ParentSquare Overview for Parents - Spanish / ParentSquare resumen para padres - español from ParentSquare on Vimeo.