In-District Opportunities

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Summer 2024 In-District Opportunities

These courses are in-district offerings supporting our learning focus for the year. Please click on the course title to register through Eduphoria.

Difficulty registering? Please contact
Kathryn Walker for assistance at [email protected].

CPI Training

Target Audience: ACE program staff, counselors, social workers

Date: May 21, 2024
Time: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Location: CE, PLC Room 207

Course Description: CPI De-escalation training. Contact Stephanie Mathis if you did not receive your online CPI Module training email. Prior to attending the hands-on training, you will need to have your online prerequisite completed on or before Monday, May 20th by 11:59 pm. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. No devices needed.



CPI Refresher


Target Audience: Administrators, SpEd, counselors, crisis counselors, SW, CALs

Date: July 25, 29, 30, 2024
Time: MORNING sessions - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
AFTERNOON sessions - 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: July 25 - Admin Board Room, July 29, 30 - Reach PLC (room 219)

Course Description: CPI De-escalation training. Contact Stephanie Mathis if you did not receive your online CPI Module training email. Prior to attending the hands-on training, you will need to have your online prerequisite completed on or before the day of the training. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. No devices needed.



Oh, Tech Appy Days! and the NEW Tech Apps

Target Audience: (*by invitation only*) K-5 Teachers

Date: July 16, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location:  Administration Building, Board Room

Paid Session: $75 for attending entire session

Course Description:   In the morning session, a representative will guide participants through the program and EasyTech keyboarding. Attendees will:
• Engage with’s acclaimed digital literacy curriculum from a student perspective.
• Navigate the Teacher Center to customize class settings, assign curriculum, and track student progress.
• Discover how to find and assign keyboarding and word processing content to your classes, tailored to their grade level and skill level.
• Explore the keyboarding content, from letter and key recognition in grades K-2, to touch typing and accuracy in grades 3-5.
• Dive into Adaptive Keyboarding, a fun, personalized program that adapts to each student’s needs and provides them with comprehensive keyboarding instruction, feedback, and practice.
In the afternoon session, participants will dig into the NEW Technology Application TEKS and how they are incorporated into the content-based curriculum.



Castleberry Writing and Grammar Process - SECONDARY

Target Audience: 6-12 ELAR/SLAR Teachers

Dates: July 22, 2024 & July 23, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Irma Marsh Middle School

Paid Session: $75 per day

Course Description: Join us for an interactive, two-day professional learning session covering the vertically aligned Castleberry writing and grammar processes. This workshop is designed to provide educators with practical strategies for effectively teaching writing, revising, and editing. Participants will learn how to guide students through the stages of the writing process through hands-on writing activities. Whether you're a seasoned English teacher or new to the team, this workshop will provide you with the instructional tools to immediately implement writing and grammar in your Reading Language Arts classroom.



Castleberry Grammar and Writing Process - ELEMENTARY

Target Audience: K-5 ELAR/SLAR Teachers

Date: July 23, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Irma Marsh Middle School

Paid Session: $75 per day

Course Description: Join us for an interactive professional learning session covering the vertically aligned Castleberry writing and grammar processes. This workshop is designed to provide educators with practical strategies for effectively teaching writing, revising, and editing. Participants will learn how to guide students through the stages of the writing process through hands-on writing activities. Whether you're a seasoned English teacher or new to the team, this workshop will provide you with the instructional tools to immediately implement writing and grammar in your Reading Language Arts classroom.



Eliminating the Stigma: What Mental Health Is and Is Not

Target Audience:  campus administrators, CALs, counselors, crisis counselors, SW, behavior specialists, SpEd teachers, ACE administrators

Date: July 23, 2024
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: NEW LOCATION-Reach commons

Course Description: This course will help with dispelling the myths about mental health in children & adolescents. It will include general knowledge about common mental health disorders that are becoming more prevalent in the school setting, their educational implications, and strategies for the classroom.



Navigating All the New: New Science TEKS, New Science Docs, New Science Curriculum Program

Target Audience: K-12 Science teachers

Date: July 15, 2024
Time:  8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Location: CE  Cafeteria

Paid Session: $75 for attending entire session

Course Description: Half of this training will be delivered by a representative from McGraw-Hill, guiding us through the navigation of this new program and its features. The other half of this training will be delivered by the Science Coordinators on breaking down and understanding the new TEKS and the new design of the guiding documents.



New SpEd Teacher Academy

Target Audience: All new special education teachers in Castleberry ISD

Date: July 17, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Administrative Building, Board Room

Paid Session: $75 for attending entire session

Course Description:  This is a required training for all new Special Education teachers in CISD. Teachers will receive training in case management, IEP development, ARD facilitation, SHARS, ESPED, least restrictive environment, and data driven practices.



Co-Teach Training

Target Audience: Special education and general education co-teaching partners

Date: July 18, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Administrative Building, Board Room

Paid Session: $42.50 for attending entire session

Course Description:  Co-teaching is a collaborative approach that can effectively meet the needs of all students. Participants will receive an overview of the co-teaching models, receive co-planning tips, and learn about our district expectations.



Cooperative Learning Re-Mix: Update Your Playlist (G/T Update)

Please note: This training is now located at Irma Marsh Middle School.

Target Audience: K-12 teachers and administrators, ESL/bilingual, GT/advanced academics

Date: July 24, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Irma Marsh Middle School cafeteria

Course Description: Participants will use a variety of Kagan structures and strategies to build student interest, elicit deeper thinking, and scaffold learning to challenge a full range of learners, including G/T and ESL.  (G/T Update)



Bilingual Academy

Target Audience: All content area dual-language teachers PK-5

Date: July 22, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Irma Marsh Middle School library

Paid Session: $75 per day

Course Description: Bilingual Academy aims to empower new and returning teachers as well as campus leaders in closing achievement gaps and equity gaps in bilingual classrooms. Teachers will explore and analyze a variety of topics during this training, including translanguaging in the classroom, TELPAS-ELPS connections, and analyzing text and writing through a multilingual perspective.



AU/ED/ID/ADHD Differential Training

Target Audience: SpEd teachers, campus administrators, CALs, counselors, crisis counselors, SW

Date: July 23, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: NEW LOCATION - Reach commons

Course Description: This course reviews understanding the differential diagnoses, characteristics of each diagnosis, and how they can look similar but are different. Participants will explore the current referral eligibility checklists and learn practical classroom Tier 1 recommendations.