Castleberry ISD welcomes all students back for the 2023-2024 school year on Wednesday, August 9! In preparation for the first day, parents are encouraged to be aware of the traffic flow for each campus.
While school is in session, please be extra cautious in traffic. Be aware that school traffic zones will be in effect during morning drop off and afternoon dismissal. Students will be walking to and from school, so please be cautious while driving and be aware of pedestrians.
Castleberry ISD school buses will be back on the road, and may impact your daily travel. When approaching a school zone or school bus on the road, be prepared to stop for bus and pedestrian traffic.
Please remember use of cell phone and tobacco is prohibitted in school zones. Watch for students walking and riding bikes to and from school.
A.V. Cato Elementary
All drop off and pick up will be in the two yellow lanes in front of the school. The red lane is used to access the parking spaces only. The yellow lanes are for drive thru only. Parking and walking your children is not permitted in these areas.
All students will be dropped off at the front parking lot between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM.

Castleberry Elementary
All drop off and pick up will be in the two yellow lanes in front of the school or in the parking lot for the administration building. The yellow lanes are for drive thru only. Parking and walking your child is not permitted in these areas. Tulane Avenue is a one way street during school zone hours.
All students will be dropped off at the front parking lot between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM.
Irma Marsh Middle School
All drop off and pick up will be in the yellow lanes on Hagg Drive or inside the main parking lot. all students and visitors must utilize the marked crosswalks for drop off and pick up. Harrisdale Avenue and Worthview Street are one way streets during school zone hours.

Joy James Academy of Leadership
All drop off and pick up will be in the two yellow lanes in front of the school or in the parking lot for the administration building. The yellow lanes are for drive thru only. parking and walking your child is not permitted in these areas. Buchanan Street and Comanche Street are one way streets during school zone hours. All students will be dropped off at the front parking lot between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM.