January is School Board Recognition Month and Castleberry ISD is celebrating its school board members for their dedication and commitment to the district and its students.
The theme of this year’s School Board Recognition Month is Forward, Together, which highlights the collaboration among school leadership, teachers, and parents on behalf of students.
“Thanks to approval from the school board, Castleberry ISD was able to increase safety and security measures for the 2022-2023 school year,” Renee Smith-Faulkner, superintendent of schools said. “This included expanding the district’s police department to include five police officers, the addition of two security monitors, and funds for additional security equipment and upgrades of preexisting equipment to ensure all facilities throughout the district are safe and secure.”
Throughout January, Castleberry ISD campuses and departments will honor and show appreciation for the district’s board members. Each campus in the district has adopted a school board member to celebrate and recognize.
Dan Troxell, executive director of the Texas Association of School Boards, applauded the efforts of trustees in providing leadership and good governance so that school districts can focus on educating the 5.4 million public schoolchildren in their care.
“Texas school boards are critical to the success of students and the future of Texas,” Troxell said. “Boards lead their districts in the right direction, providing oversight, setting goals, overseeing the budget, and selecting and evaluating the superintendent. These volunteers serve for the betterment of their local schools and communities.”
The past year has required district leaders capitalize on the combination of their individual skills and talents to build the momentum needed to continue moving Castleberry ISD forward together, to achieve the district’s identified goals. Unexpected consequences from the pandemic, the tragedy in Uvalde, and changes in laws and regulations have made it imperative for all school leaders to adapt, solve problems quickly, and collaborate as a team. Navigating through new adventures to move forward together is a daily task, but the district’s board members provide a steady and unwavering focus to continue on this journey together.
Board members serving Castleberry ISD are:
Kenneth Romo, Board President, Serving Since 2009
David Holder, Board Vice-President, Serving Since 2001
Cathy Gatica, Board Secretary, Serving Since 2013
Mary Lou Martinez, Board Member, Serving Since 2004
Tracy Gallman, Board Member, Serving Since 2020
Ariela Martinez, Board Member, Serving Since 2021
Linda Aguillon, Board Member, Serving Since 2021
To learn more about school board service online visit the Texas Association of School Boards website. For more information about serving on Castleberry ISD’s school board and upcoming elections, visit the Board Elections page on the district’s website.