CHS StuCo Hosts Community Voter Drive-Thru Registration Event on Tuesday, September 20, 2022

On September 20, 2022, Americans will celebrate National Voter Registration Day with a massive cross-country effort to register voters ahead of the hotly contested midterm elections.
Every eligible American voter should have the option to exercise their right to be heard at the ballot box, and National Voter Registration Day is the right day to start by getting registered. Communities across the country, in all 50 states and D.C., are planning to use National Voter Registration Day to get registered and get #VoteReady.
2022 also marks National Voter Registration Day’s 10th anniversary.
Thousands of national, state, and local organizations and volunteers will be the driving force behind National Voter Registration Day 2022. Partner organizations will coordinate hundreds of National Voter Registration Day events on and offline nationwide, and leverage #NationalVoterRegistrationDay and #VoteReady on social media to drive attention to voter registration.
Castleberry High School is proud to be a National Voter Registration Day partner. On September 20, Castleberry High School will engage its students, and community and register voters at the following events:
CHS Students and Teachers
All eligible students who will be 18 years and older by the November voting date will have an opportunity to register to vote in the library on Tuesday, September 20, during social studies. Registered poll workers will be present throughout the day to assist students who need to register to vote.
Community Members
Community members who need to register to vote and/or update their voter registration are invited to the Drive Thru Registration event at Castleberry High School from 4:00 PM until 6:30 PM. Volunteers will be set up in front of the high school, located at 215 Churchill Road, Fort Worth, TX 76114, and a registered poll worker will be present to answer any questions. The Castleberry High School StuCo is sponsoring this event.
The effort’s website provides a listing of National Voter Registration Day events across the country, in communities and held virtually. It also includes comprehensive and state-specific resources on all things voter registration and voting more generally.
Founded in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is designed to create an annual moment when the entire nation focuses on registering Americans to exercise their most basic right – the right to vote. Nearly 4.5 million Americans have registered to vote on the holiday since the inaugural National Voter Registration Day.