Gifted and Talented

Castleberry Independent School District Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented Services

Gifted and Talented (G/T) refers to learners who perform or show the potential to perform at high accomplishment levels when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment. Students receiving G/T services have opportunities to demonstrate self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication skills through the development of innovative and sophisticated products and performances.



To inspire, empower, and innovate.



Castleberry ISD is inspiring and empowering all students to be innovative thinkers in the global community. The mission of CISD's Gifted and Talented is to identify a broadly inclusive gifted population and to address and develop their specific interests and competencies through challenging and differentiated educational experiences.



The purpose of Castleberry ISD Gifted and Talented is to provide an array of differentiated opportunities for students grades K-12 to engage in learning within the curriculum with depth and complexity. 

Gifted and Talented strives to:

1. Provide gifted and talented students the opportunity to develop individual interests and abilities through the use of challenging and innovative curriculum and teaching practices.

2. Implement an ongoing identification process of screening and identifying gifted students in grades K-12 based on multiple and specific criteria (both qualitative and quantitative) through the use of a selection committee.

3. Foster students' higher level thinking skills and help them develop intellectual curiosity in critical, creative, and productive thinking.

4. Build capacity for students to develop problem-solving strategies, inquiry, and research skills independently and as part of a group.

5. Provide ongoing appropriate professional learning opportunities for administrators, counselors, and teachers involved in identifying giftedness and serving the needs of G/T students.

Save the Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Our Third Annual District G/T Showcase will be held from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at Castleberry Elementary.

Please plan to join us in celebrating the research and innovative products created by Castleberry ISD Gifted and Talented students through a districtwide showcase. Unleash your imagination, CISD gifted and talented


Kathryn Walker

G/T Coordinator


[email protected]